Couples Counseling
There is nothing so vulnerable as when we love.
~Sigmund Freud
What happened???
It wasn’t always like this.
You used to have fun together, laugh together.
But now?
Things just don’t feel the same anymore.
“Maybe it’s just work,” you say to yourself. “We’ve both been stressed out. And there’s been a lot going on with family, too.”
“It’ll probably pass.”
But it hasn’t yet.
You feel like you’ve grown apart. You don’t feel that same connection. Things feel so heavy now. You can’t stop bickering. You find yourself spending more time at work, so you don’t have to be at home.
Will it ever get better?
Let’s get that connection back.
Couples counseling is a process of re-learning one another.
Every couple has a cycle that they engage in when there’s conflict. Your partner says one thing; you react by doing another. The next thing you know – tension.
Over time, you imbue the little things your partner does with meaning, both good and bad. Little disconnects become bigger, and even the smallest action starts to feel significant.
In couples counseling, we’ll work to understand the cycle you and your partner are caught in – and how you can get out of it.
You’ll start to feel like you’re both on the same team again, that you both want things to change.
We’ll figure out why those small things feel so meaningful. And we’ll work on re-establishing the connection that you worry you’ve lost.
You want to be part of a couple that turns toward each other in times of stress. To remember that fondness you had for one another. To become friends again.
Things can get better.
Contact me at (415) 255-2647 to schedule a consultation today.